Only Life Has Value

pet psychic, miracle, angel

I wrote this a few weeks ago, after a very unusual day. A little personal peek at my world:

I woke up much earlier than usual this morning. Good thing too, because it’s been a big day.

Our 2 year old Camry had it’s 30,000 mile service today. The bill seemed high for such a new car,  but we really love this car. Before we bought it 2 years ago our cars both had 200,000 miles. It had been a long time since we had a nice car.  Earlier today I was connecting with my guide and she told me her name is Ariel. It felt like such a gift to really feel her presence and know her name. So, as I drove it home I thanked her for a beautiful day today. It really was extraordinary.

I had a Skype interview with a casting director for a show that needs animal communicators. She was searching online and came across one of my You Tube videos and said, she seems nice, I’ll call her. Really!  I’ve never had a Skype interview. I always feel a little unsure about Skype, and I was nervous. I heard Ariel say, wear a bring color- this is for tv! Ok, so I chose a fuchsia cardigan. The first thing my interviewer told me when the video came up was, what a pretty color!!

She had sent me photos of two dogs and wanted my take on their preferences for backyard makeovers for them, and to know their personalities. I shared with her what I’d received from the dogs and she shared what their owners had told her. Some of our words were exact. She said I was spot on. We had such a nice and fun conversation. I left the call feeling hopeful and excited about the possibility of being chosen for the show.  I was really over the moon. I’d stretched out of my comfort zone, said yes, and had a lovely experience!

So, as I entered the 101 freeway tonight I was feeling really good. It had been an extraordinary day.

Within minutes there was chaos on the road. I don’t remember much other than watching a disaster unfold in front of me. Cars veering into the wrong lanes, horns, 4 or 5 problems. Slamming of brakes, and cars rushing around so as not to hit the braking cars. I thought here comes a pile-up. And then it was RIGHT on front of me. A car spinning out of control.  He’d tried to get around one of those almost stopped cars and lost control.

I thought our beautiful car would be totaled. I didn’t know what was going to happen to me, and I hoped I’d be ok and in the hospital. All that fuss over the car, it’s service, the bill, completely vaporized like the illusion it was.

I slammed on my brakes.  I realized he’s coming right at me.(My new rotors made for a nice smooth fast break) And then I glance in the rear view mirror and there’s an enormous SUV coming at me at 60 MPH.  Oh no. They were able to get to the other lane. The spinning car did not hit me. It spun all around and ended up right next to me, in his lane, facing the wrong way. We were stopped, side by side, inches apart. I have no idea how that happened. Grace had intervened. Everyone behind us stopped. We were ok. He straightened out and pulled over. I drove off numb, called Serena, and started to cry.

I was given really big lesson somehow in those few seconds of chaos, and I’m writing this whole elaborate story because I need you to hear.  A knowing I didn’t have before was placed inside me in a split moment. 





When I came home I got on my knees. I was so grateful to be home, with my family, in my life. It was SO close.  Inches. Milliseconds.

Things do not matter. None of them. Our car was about to be totaled and it didn’t matter, not one tiny bit. I could not have cared less. What mattered is walking away and being with the people I love. That value can’t be quantified.  Anything else we are told about material possessions is a lie.


I was given this gift to remember. To guide me. I hope it guides you also.

I send you all my love.

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