I really love working with people and their animals during the transition time period between this life and their return to spirit. That time is potent and rich with opportunities to connect deeper and surrender into the bigger understandings. It is as powerful as birth- this time being birthing back into non-physical. I’ve had a series of sessions in the past few weeks that have to do with the end of life transition as well as connecting with animal friends in spirit, and the animals always knock my socks off with their wisdom, loyalty, and capacity for love.
I met Buddy at the end of his Earthly life. His person, Adrienne, who loved him so dearly, called me with one question on her mind. She wanted to know if Buddy wanted assistance leaving his physical body, or if he preferred to transition on his own. Wanting only to know this one thing allowed us to have a deep, beautiful, and expansive conversation with Buddy.
Before the call I heard to pick an angel card for Buddy. I rarely do that, but I’ve learned to listen to that voice, so I did. I chose a card that was about Celebration, reunion, and happy conclusions. Hmmm, I thought, never seeing that card before. It ended up being perfect for the session, and also quite a comforting message.
When I connected with Buddy, he felt far away, already half in and half out of his body. I’ve found that when I talk with animals in this state, they are extremely clear, direct, and to the point. Their words and messages are few and clear, and there is a palpable intensity around getting their messages of love across.
Buddy had a few things to say, which helped Adrienne understand how he was feeling. Buddy told me he wanted her permission- that he was ready to go. What was most important to him was that she was ok with this, and as long as she was, he was ready to accept assistance for his transition. He was much more focused on her experience, as well as the other cats, than his own. Also, to help her be connected with the experience of ‘setting him free,’ he asked for a ceremony or ritual they could have together. Adrienne had done that before for another cat, and felt good about that suggestion. Finally, he urged me to help her not be heavy about all this- to stay light-hearted. He let her know that for him, it was a celebration- that it was the way it was always supposed to happen. He said: it takes a great loving spirit and soul to see it that way, and she can do that for me. He felt happy and at peace, and content with the way things had gone. Our session concluded, and I heard back from Adrienne a few hours later.
Adrienne shared that she had decided to help Buddy transition. She had fresh flowers and a lovely candle and let him know it was ok to move on. As she waited for her vet to arrive, she snapped this stunning photo of Buddy that you see above. Seeing he was already surrounded by the light gave her great comfort and validated the understanding that he was indeed half way there. It was an amazing parting gift he gave to her. And Adrienne’s parting gift to Buddy was being his loving friend, willing to consciously to help him cross over in a peaceful, gentle and loving way.
I always suggest that people call in their animals when they are missing them. It’s especially helpful before sleep, to call on them and ask for a sign or a message during the night. A few days after Buddy’s shift, when Adrienne called to Buddy before going to sleep, she felt a wave of peace flow over her. Another gift. Buddy let her know he had indeed made it to the other side, and all is well. This was a great comfort to Adrienne, and helped her move forward. What an exquisite experience and honor is was for me to witness these two beautiful souls walking their path together. I was reminded again that even though it may not feel like it, everything is unfolding in divine right timing. And even though our physical forms change, the love and connections we have with each other and our animal friends remain present and accessible to us, always.
Hi Elizabeth, Re-reading this today, as Laurel’s Roy transitions. I read it to her and it is still so comforting. Again, thank you for your gift and for helping Laurel and Pete at this time.
How incredibly beautiful Elizabeth. This brought tears of Joy to me eyes. Thank you for yet another gift of just how beautiful this path we have chosen to express can be. It reminds me how much Joy and true connection there is in this work. Thank you!
Thank you, Trip! Yes indeed beauty abounds, and I feel very grateful to witness it.